Wednesday, March 13, 2013

This Isn't Goodbye. It's I'll See You Later.

For my final full day in the city. I spent the entire day outside. It was an absolutely gorgeous sunny day, and I certainly took advantage of it.

After my morning bus ride into Manhattan and my daily coffee (hot today rather than iced), I made my way over to Bryant Park to wait for Melissa for lunch. It was lovely. The sun was shining; I had a view of the Chrysler Building in front and the Empire State Building to my right. I was in such a good mood, I even donated money to a man asking for donations.

Chrysler Building

Empire State Building

After soaking up some sun, I figured I should do some more shopping on 42nd. I walked back to 7th avenue where I shopped in LOFT. After that, because Melissa and I planned on eating in Grand Central Station anyway, I walked that way and shopped in the Banana Republic right next store. The best part about the end of your vacation, is definitely spending your leftover money!

After I finished shopping, I met Melissa, and we grabbed some Thai take out from Grand Central and moved back over to Bryant Park to eat in the sun. On my way out of Bryant, I even met some friends and played ping pong.

Lunch in Bryant Park

Sometimes, it's okay to talk to Strangers

We shopped some more, and before we knew it, it was time to go see Crystal! Crystal is a friend of mine (and fellow blogger- check out her fashion blog here) from high school. We graduated together, but sadly had to go our separate ways for school, but it was so amazing to see her again!

We met in Washington Square by NYU's campus on 8th Street and Waverly Place. I especially wanted to get pictures of the Washington Arch not only because of it's beauty, but also because the glee cast filmed their during 2x22 episode "New York."

The Washington Arch
SoHo Shopping District

NYU's Library
Sadly we didn't have much time because we had a comedy show to catch, but we went to SoHo, a shopping district downtown renown for its variety of artists' lofts and galleries and boutiques and stores. SoHo refers to "South of Houston" (Street). Fun Fact: There's also a SoHo in London. Out of all the shopping districts I've been to so far, this one is probably one of my favorites, mainly because the stores are all so unique and many of them, I could not find back home. Everything is just so vogue. I love it!

After parting with Crystal, we caught a subway back uptown for dinner then headed to The Comic Strip for the comedy show. It was absolutely hilarious. Despite how overpriced the joint was, I had a great night.

The Comic Strip Stage

Some amusing things to note from today:

  • I officially walked the city in wedges. It felt so great, empowering almost. Yes, this is silly, but it was a huge achievement and milestone for me!
  • I met my first crazy guy on the train. He kept shouting, "America! Freedom! Fuck England!"So that was amusing.

I can't believe today was my last full day. I wish I could stay here forever. I don't think I could ever get tired of this city. It's absolutely magical. Navigating the city alone for the first time was such a wonderful experience. As many times as I've visited the city, I've never enjoyed myself quite like this. So for now, I say goodbye New York City, but there's no question that I will be back-perhaps for good.


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