Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Pieces 2 Puzzle Presents...


After my post hiatus, Pieces 2 Puzzle is back with exciting news: There will be a restructure. There will be one post a week, perhaps more if time permits. They will alternate on different days of the week each with a different theme. 

Munchy Mondays: Get ready for some healthy food recipes (and some not so healthy ones).
Trendy Tuesdays: Fashion on fashion on fashion. 
Wednesdays: Sorry, there's not a clever name for this one, but posts on Wednesday will be free giveaway posts! Enter for a chance to win something special.
Theatrical Thursday: Anything artsy is fair game: Movie/CD reviews, Broadway news, etc.
Fitness Friday: I..I..I work out. I think that about covers it. 

As for the weekends, for now, they will remain miscellaneous and spontaneous. They'll be exciting.

I'm beyond excited for what this will bring to the blog! This will start within the next two weeks. (Finals, ya'll...) If you have any ideas at all, do not hesitate to comment below. What do YOU want to see on this blog?


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