Saturday, March 9, 2013


The greatest rivalry in the history of sports. 

And tonight is the night. 

I bleed Carolina Blue. I've never felt an utter hatred more passionate and ardent then this. Twice a year, UNC and Duke students rally for the game of a lifetime. You can feel animosity burning in our souls, and pride for our team flushing our veins. We are Carolina, and this is Carolina Basketball.

For those of you who do not enjoy sports, I do not even know how to express to you the aversion each student feels when evening catching a glimpse of the other shade of blue. However, I can tell you that there is nothing that brings you closer together as a university, as students, as an entire body of people than a common enemy. Upon a Carolina Victory, it doesn't matter who is a stranger and who is your best friend. You'll be arm and arm with your neighbor regardless. 

We have been rivals since the history of time. Upon being admitted to the university, you might as well take an oath that swears you to hate duke for an eternity. Just take a look at this.

Social media is blowing up with #GTHD, memes, and videos. It's just absolutely fantastic. We're making a statement. 

As a team, we've had a rough year. We lost some valuable players to the NBA, but we gained some talent. We're growing more and more with each game, and we're playing like a team. 

This time, on our turf, it's going down. 

You may think we're taking this too seriously, but we don't care. I literally almost unfriended someone today for posting d00k memes, and I didn't think twice about it. Too far? Hell no. 

Both photos courtesy of UNC Memes.

These games are a part of our soul: a part of our experience, and a part of our life. Last year, when the dreadful occurred at the final buzzer, I failed an exam the next day. I just couldn't study. Too far? HELL NO. Oh, but we got our revenge on their senior night. (I also aced that final.)

We, as students, are bonded not only by the campus and the community, but by this rivalry.  Win or Lose, we're all still proud to be Tar Heels. 

Game is at 9pm. Watch it. Love it. Most importantly, #GTHD.

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