Saturday, May 4, 2013



I've migrated! I have created a brand new blog, which is more much more specific and organized. I've really enjoyed the opportunity this blog has given me to experiment with my ideas/ passions, but I truly believe that my new blog will bring me more opportunities for success. I want to thank each one of you for believing in me, and reading my posts. It's meant the world. I promise, there's far more where that came from. Follow my new blog, theARTSiLifestyle here. It's specifically a blog about the arts and music, which have always been my true loves all along. Let's be serious, it probably isn't the best idea for me to try to blog about food with my mediocre cooking skills. I moved some of my relevant posts over to the new blog, but I'll be back to writing immediately after finals! Thanks again, everyone, and be blessed!

Until then!


Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I don't think you understand how long I've been waiting to write this post. As a vocalist, naturally, I'm obsessed with singing. Duets are just the icing on that cake.

Wallflower/ Woman Fierce?
We've all seen the Glee Episode "Dynamic Duets" (4x7), and it has inspired me to write a post about the greatest duets of all time. Granted, this episode premiered forever ago, but I wanted to wait until my blog had a decent amount of posts before I posted this goldmine. If you haven't seen the episode...well, go watch it. Look at the things you're missing out on!
Batman meets Chord Overstreet
How can you not be in love with this face?
Although, this post has nothing to do with the actual episode, it is the source of inspiration for the title! Yes, I'm aware that "dynamically dynamic duets" is NOT the name of the episode. (I'm  avoiding copyright infringement). So without further adieu:

15 Dynamically Dynamic Duets

  1. Come What May-  Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor from Moulin Roug
  2.  Broken- Seether feat. Amy Lee
  3.  For Good- Kristen Chenoweth and Idina Menzell, the Original Broadway Cast of WICKED: the Musical.
  4. Endless Love- Diana Ross feat. Lionel Richie
  5. I Just Can't Stop Loving You- Michael Jackson feat. Siedah Garrett
  6. Islands in the Stream- Kenny Rogers feat. Dolly Parton
  7. No Air- Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown
  8. Don't Go Breaking My Heart- Elton John feat. Kiki Dee
  9. My Boo- Usher feat. Alecia Keys 
  10. You're the One that I Want-  John Travolta and Olivia- Newton John from Grease
  11. (I've Had) The Time of My Life-  Jennifer Warnes and Bill Medley Dirty Dancing
  12.  Stereo Hearts- Gym Class Heroes feat. Adam Levigne
  13.  Baby, it's Cold Outside- Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong
  14.  Telephone- Beyonce feat. Lady Gaga
  15.  Whiskey Lullaby- Brad Paisley feat. Allison Krauss*
 Ironically, and not at all planned, most of these were performed on Glee at somepoint! Ryan Murphey is genius. However, what's not included on this list: The Lonely Island. Every duet is just amazing, especially those with Justin Timberlake. I mean, who can't love this?


3-Way (The Golden Rule)
All of these duets are basically guaranteed to make you wish your best friend could sing. He probably can, and you guys will sound lovely.

*Song contributed by coworker Andrew Matthews.


Pieces 2 Puzzle Presents...


After my post hiatus, Pieces 2 Puzzle is back with exciting news: There will be a restructure. There will be one post a week, perhaps more if time permits. They will alternate on different days of the week each with a different theme. 

Munchy Mondays: Get ready for some healthy food recipes (and some not so healthy ones).
Trendy Tuesdays: Fashion on fashion on fashion. 
Wednesdays: Sorry, there's not a clever name for this one, but posts on Wednesday will be free giveaway posts! Enter for a chance to win something special.
Theatrical Thursday: Anything artsy is fair game: Movie/CD reviews, Broadway news, etc.
Fitness Friday: I..I..I work out. I think that about covers it. 

As for the weekends, for now, they will remain miscellaneous and spontaneous. They'll be exciting.

I'm beyond excited for what this will bring to the blog! This will start within the next two weeks. (Finals, ya'll...) If you have any ideas at all, do not hesitate to comment below. What do YOU want to see on this blog?


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

This Isn't Goodbye. It's I'll See You Later.

For my final full day in the city. I spent the entire day outside. It was an absolutely gorgeous sunny day, and I certainly took advantage of it.

After my morning bus ride into Manhattan and my daily coffee (hot today rather than iced), I made my way over to Bryant Park to wait for Melissa for lunch. It was lovely. The sun was shining; I had a view of the Chrysler Building in front and the Empire State Building to my right. I was in such a good mood, I even donated money to a man asking for donations.

Chrysler Building

Empire State Building

After soaking up some sun, I figured I should do some more shopping on 42nd. I walked back to 7th avenue where I shopped in LOFT. After that, because Melissa and I planned on eating in Grand Central Station anyway, I walked that way and shopped in the Banana Republic right next store. The best part about the end of your vacation, is definitely spending your leftover money!

After I finished shopping, I met Melissa, and we grabbed some Thai take out from Grand Central and moved back over to Bryant Park to eat in the sun. On my way out of Bryant, I even met some friends and played ping pong.

Lunch in Bryant Park

Sometimes, it's okay to talk to Strangers

We shopped some more, and before we knew it, it was time to go see Crystal! Crystal is a friend of mine (and fellow blogger- check out her fashion blog here) from high school. We graduated together, but sadly had to go our separate ways for school, but it was so amazing to see her again!

We met in Washington Square by NYU's campus on 8th Street and Waverly Place. I especially wanted to get pictures of the Washington Arch not only because of it's beauty, but also because the glee cast filmed their during 2x22 episode "New York."

The Washington Arch
SoHo Shopping District

NYU's Library
Sadly we didn't have much time because we had a comedy show to catch, but we went to SoHo, a shopping district downtown renown for its variety of artists' lofts and galleries and boutiques and stores. SoHo refers to "South of Houston" (Street). Fun Fact: There's also a SoHo in London. Out of all the shopping districts I've been to so far, this one is probably one of my favorites, mainly because the stores are all so unique and many of them, I could not find back home. Everything is just so vogue. I love it!

After parting with Crystal, we caught a subway back uptown for dinner then headed to The Comic Strip for the comedy show. It was absolutely hilarious. Despite how overpriced the joint was, I had a great night.

The Comic Strip Stage

Some amusing things to note from today:

  • I officially walked the city in wedges. It felt so great, empowering almost. Yes, this is silly, but it was a huge achievement and milestone for me!
  • I met my first crazy guy on the train. He kept shouting, "America! Freedom! Fuck England!"So that was amusing.

I can't believe today was my last full day. I wish I could stay here forever. I don't think I could ever get tired of this city. It's absolutely magical. Navigating the city alone for the first time was such a wonderful experience. As many times as I've visited the city, I've never enjoyed myself quite like this. So for now, I say goodbye New York City, but there's no question that I will be back-perhaps for good.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How Could You Tell Me That I Was Wrong?

He had it coming.

Such an amazing musical. Tonight I went to go see "Chicago" on Broadway. SO GOOD. I don't even know how to express it in words. Needless to say, I'm already obsessing over the soundtrack. Figures. However, let's go over my adventures in order, shall we?

I started my day in Manhattan eating breakfast at Tiffany's. I had never done it, and it was definitely on the bucket list. Sadly, today was raining all day so I couldn't get as many pictures, but I definitely took some keepers. Don't mind me for blowing up Instagram. Migrating the city in the rain was annoying, but not particularly difficult.

In my crazy imagination, I picture the people of New York City, singing a rendition of "Singing in the Rain"on rainy days, but sadly, it's pretty standard: umbrellas, baseball caps, and frizzy hair.

For those of you who don't know, Tiffany's isn't actually a breakfast joint; it's a jewelry store, Tiffany & Co., and a very nice one at that. Go see the movie, if you're confused. You can check out the merchandise here. Don't get too attached, it's not the cheapest. Believe me, I spent a good part of the afternoon depressed (not really). As with every morning, I needed some Starbucks. The closest Starbucks was the one in Trump Tower. So I grabbed some coffee and a muffin from Trump Tower and headed over to eat in front of Tiffany's. As I was walking out the door, I actually saw Donald Trump! I was not expecting to see him, but there he just appeared. (Fate is so on my side this trip). iPhone quality isn't fabulous, but I did snag some pictures.

Jewelry at its Finest.
After eating in front of Tiffany's, I did some shopping. Tiffany's is conveniently on Fifth Avenue, known for its many stores. I went into way too many stores to list, but they included Prada, Armani, H&M, Tommy Hilfiger, and many many others. While most of the stores were too ridiculously expensive to even think about purchasing anything, I did manage to get a few good deals.

 On my way through the city, I stopped at some of my favorite city sites for some valuable photographic moments: Rockefeller Center (Sadly, the ice skating rink is closed this time of year), Bryant Park, Radio City Music Hall, Chrysler Building, Faconable, and NBC (I JUST missed Justin Timberlake on SNL too. Ugh.).

Prometheus at Rockefellar
Rockefeller Center

Radio City Side View
And...the front

Bryant Park

Atlas outside of Faconelle

Mamma Mia!

After lunch (the most delicious pasta and cheesecake of my life), I walked back to 42nd to do some more shopping. I was meeting Melissa there again today for dinner before Chicago. Of course, I had to take some pictures of my favorite stores in Times Square.

I adore the Yankees Store

After some more light (or not) shopping, I met Melissa and my aunt Tanya for dinner at TGIF. After dinner, we headed over to The Ambassador for "Chicago." As aforementioned, it was phenomenal. I didn't want it to end. Sadly, photography wasn't allowed so I couldn't get pictures of the show, but I did get plenty of the theater before my phone died. Of course, I had to buy some Chicago merch. There wasn't even a question about it.

After the show, I migrated through Times Square, ran into the Statue of Liberty (A person, not the actual statue on Liberty Island...obviously), and made it to the Port Authority to catch my bus back to Jersey.

Donald Trump...ish

The Ambassador Theatre

I wish I could say more about today, but there's not really a need to go into detail about shopping. I could, however, write an entire post on Chicago, but I'll refrain (for your sake). One detail worth noting, I did see someone chase someone to return a phone he had left on the bus. Kindness! It actually is possible (for those of you who think ill of this city).

Until next time!


Monday, March 11, 2013


Today was officially my first day in the city! After spending all day in a car yesterday, it was really nice to stretch my legs, especially since they were so stiff from the 5K. (I ran a 5K Saturday morning and spent Sunday sore stuck in a car. It didn’t do wonders for my muscles). 

Making it to the city was not as formidable as I had originally thought. Because I’m staying in New Jersey with family, I needed to take a quick bus ride to the Port Authority. It drops you off a few blocks away from Time Square.

It’s so crazy! If you blink, it’s as if you are missing an entire minute. The city just never stops. The hustle and bustle and the large throngs of people are homing to me. This kind of commotion is exactly what I love about it. This city is home.

I spent the morning shopping on 34th street, waiting for my second cousin, Melissa so we can have lunch. Most of the stores are the same back home, but they're all in one convenient location. It's like the best mall you've ever been to. Did I mention there's a Starbucks on every corner? Believe me, that was step one today. 34th street is also the home of Herald Square and Madison Square Garden.

We ate lunch at the Tick Tok Diner. It was kind of overpriced, but what isn't in this city? After lunch we headed into Times Square. We were ambushed at what seems like every second with ticket sales, bus tours, and other shenanigans. The key is to avoid eye contact; however, one of them made a very good deal, and I bought some tickets to a comedy show! I figured I needed things to do at night while I was here, so why not? I'm not the best at being frugal. Whatever, YOLO. (Yes, I just went there.)

Bart Simpson and Elmo in Times Square
Times Square by Day

While we were in Times Square, I did some shopping, and then continued to find all of the Broadway Theaters. I had originally planned on seeing Chicago, so that was first on my list. A passerby had even conveniently handing me a coupon for $30 off any ticket. I arrived at the box office, and I tried to purchase a ticket for the rear mezzanine at $67.50 each, but they were sold out. I was convinced the rest of the tickets were out of my price range, but since I had that coupon, I was able to purchase tickets for the middle mezzanine for the same price. Better seats for the same price, WHAT? It was like fate. I bought my tickets for the show tomorrow night at 8pm, and I couldn't be more excited.

One of my absolute favorite musicals
After buying my tickets, we continued to stroll through the streets of NY. We decided to take a walk around Central Park. For those of you who don't know, Central Park is HUGE. There are so many individual landmarks, statues, and sites just within the park itself. It would take hours to walk all of it. The park is filled with joggers, freelancers, entertainers, and horses/carriages. There are statues of Columbus, Shakespeare, and many others. The one site I really wanted to see was the fountain. This might sound silly, but the glee cast filmed in Central Park for Episode 4x4 "The Break Up." (Still depressed). Though I have already seen it multiple times, I definitely wanted to see where they filmed regardless. I found the fountain where Kurt and Blaine broke up, which is much prettier when there's actually water in it, and it's dark, great nonetheless. 

Metropolitan Museum of Art

After Central Park, we sat on the steps of the Met (Metropolitan Museum of Art-it's within Central Park), waiting for my uncle so we could grab some dinner. After he met us, we headed to the West side of the city for dinner. We went to some Japanese joint, and I'm sitting here thinking that I'm going to order Hibachi vegetables, but when I look at the menu, I didn't understand any of it! So much for those vegetables... I ended up ordering Octopus dumplings, which didn't even look like dumplings, but delicious (in an interesting kind of way) nonetheless. I met some friends of my uncle's, and we headed over to Seaport! Seaport is at the edge of Manhattan; from there, you can see the Brooklyn Bridge and Brooklyn itself! The view was absolutely breathtaking...and freezing. It was very windy, but it was completely worth it for the view.

The View from Seaport
 This city comes with this newfound sense of independence. It’s as if you can do anything while you’re here. No wonder so many people have their big break here. It's wonderful. Many believe NYC is a dangerous and villainous, but I resent that. This is one of the beautiful cities in the United States. There's just no possible way one can get bored here! There's just so much to do! I'm so incredibly jealous of all of my family members who live here, and literally, it's all but us. Not okay. Life is a constant adventure here. Even with as many times as we've visited, I'm still not bored. Tomorrow I continue my adventures in the city, with big Broadway plans and dreams. Viva Nueva York! 


Sunday, March 10, 2013


"New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of
There's nothing you can't do
Now you're in New York
These streets will make you feel brand new
Big Lights will Inspire You
Let's Hear it for New York, New York,

One of my favorite cities on the planet. I may even move back here after college. There is NOTHING about this city that you can't love: The Broadway Musicals, the shopping, Time Square, Central Park, the music scene, the nightlife, the constant throngs of people, a Starbucks on every corner, and so much more. 

For those of you who have never been, book a flight immediately. It's called the "City that Never Sleeps" for a reason!

For my first night in New York, in honor of the city, I'm posting the GREATEST songs of the city.

The Top 50 Songs of New York:

  1. Empire State of Mind - Alecia Keys and Jay Z.
  2. New York State of Mind -Billy Joel
  3. I Love New York - Madonna
  4. New York, New York -On the Town
  5. New York - Ja Rule, Fat Joe, Jadakiss
  6. Theme from New York, New York -Frank Sinatra 
  7. Give my Regards to Broadway -James Cagney
  8. New York Groove -Ace Frehley
  9. On Broadway -George Benson
  10. New York Lights -Fort Atlantic
  11. Fairytale of New York - The Pogues and Kirsty MacColl
  12. Moving to New York -The Wombats
  13. New York Minute - Don Henley
  14. Bells of New York City- Josh Groban
  15. The Secret to New York - We the Kings
  16. Big Apple Dreamin' (Hippo)- Alice Cooper
  17. New York City Cops- The Strokes
  18. Manhattan- Kings of Leon
  19. Manhattan- Ella Fitzgerald
  20. Living for the City - Stevie Wonder
  21. Rhapsody in Blue- Leonard Bernstein with the Columbia Symphony Orchestra 
  22. No Sleep Till Brooklyn- Beastie Boys
  23. Brooklyn- Buckcherry
  24. Brooklyn Bound- The Black Keys
  25. Brooklyn Go Hard- Jay Z feat. Santigold
  26. Autumn in New York- Billie Holiday 
  27. New York City Serenade- Bruce Springsteen
  28. Across 110th Street -Bobby Womack
  29. Harlem Shuffle- Bob & Earl
  30. I And Love And You- The Avett Brothers
  31. Coney Island-  Death Cab for Cutie
  32. Angel of Harlem- U2
  33. I Love NYC- Andrew W.K.
  34. Let's Have a Kiki- Scissor Sisters
  35. The Message- Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five feat. Melle mel and Duke Bootee
  36. Subway Train- The New York Dolls
  37. Daddy Don't Live in the New York City No More- Steely Dan
  38. Anniversary- Suzanne Vega
  39. Englishman in New York- Sting
  40. Gypsy- Fleetwood Mac
  41. Start Me Up- The Rolling Stones
  42. Uptown Girl- Billy Joel
  43. Bitter Sweet Symphony- The Verve
  44. Harlem - Bill Withers
  45. Stayin' Alive- Bee Gees
  46. Take the A Train- Duke Ellington & His Orchestra
  47. Jenny From the Block- Jennifer Lopez feat. Jadakiss and Styles P.
  48. The Luckiest Guy on the Lower East Side- The Magnetic Fields
  49. New York- The Sex Pistols
  50. Downtown Train- Tom Waits

Don't mind me, just obsessing over the best city in the US. More city adventures to come, so stay tuned.

"“One belongs to New York instantly, one belongs to it as much in five minutes as in five years.” -Tom Wolfe


Okay, so I lied. I'm not quite in NYC yet. I figured, since I'm in a car for 14 hours, why not blog? More fitting, why not blog about what to do during a road trip?

To avoid awkward moments like this, here are some entertaining things you can do while you're a car.

WARNING: Do not attempt to do any of these things while driving. I take no responsibility in whatever you choose to do, but please drive safely!

You know this was you at some point.

What to Do For Entertainment During a Road Trip 

Involving Wifi

Nothing is impossible nowadays. We have the available technology to have wifi, wherever you are! Just bring a wifi hotspot with you, and you're set to have internet the entire trip, giving you the options to do things such as this.
  1. Blog
  2. Facebook- most of you probably have the app downloaded and if you have 3G, you don't need wifi to use it!
  3. Netflix- Catch up on some of your favorite series or just watch an absurd amount of movies. No one is judging. 
  4. Twitter- Please don't tweet every mile you pass. You can always tweet the states you pass! Is that a thing? 
  5. Pinterest- You spend hours on it already, works wonders to pass the time. 

No wifi?

If you don't own a wifi hotspot, you can still be entertained! I'm not going to lie, you should probably invest in a hotspot, but until then, you can try some of these. They're all pretty elementary, but still entertaining.
  1. The Alphabet Game- As you see signs, you have to find something that starts with each letter of the alphabet, but you have to go in order. Say you see an Arbys, that counts for A. Five minutes later, you see a Bojangles, etc. However, if you see a Dairy Queen before you see a Cookout, (or  any variation of these letters), it doesn't count. 
  2. Cards- bring a deck of cards with you. Play Texas Hold Em', Go Fish, Solitare, etc. The possibilities are endless. *Note there are apps for all of these. Probably easier than having the cards get messy. 
  3. Watch some DVDs- If you bring your laptop (and a charger with a converter to plug into the cigarette outlet), you can watch all of the DVDs you want. Me, I would obsess over The O.C., considering I own all four seasons. IT WILL NEVER GET OLD. 
  4. Listen to some Music- You can bring your iPod, a CD players, etc.
  5. Draw- For those of you artsy people, if the moving car doesn't hinder you, draw something! If I were only that talented. Sad life.
  6. Write Some Music- For all of my fellow musicians, write some music! Though, sitting in a car isn't much inspiration, but draw some inspiration from your surroundings. 
  7. Create an Itinerary- This is the perfect opportunity to plan out your trip if you haven't already done so! 
  8. Homework- If you brought it, (Nerds), do it!
  9. Handheld Games- If you have a phone, E-reader, laptop, it has games, gadgets, and gismos. Use them! If you own a handheld system, even better! Just don't forget the charger!
  10. Read a Book- If cars don't make you sick, read! E-Reader or a hardcopy: whatever works best for you!

If you are the Driver:

Yeah, if you got stuck driving, you don't really get many options.
  1. You do get to control the car! So people in the back begging for bathroom/ food breaks have to get approval from you. Sweet Revenge.
  2. Stop for Coffee and Snacks- Stay awake and full! 
  3. Switch with People- If you have reasonable friends (with drivers licenses) switch it up! 
  4. You get to control the radio. Enough said. 
  5. If there is an album you thoroughly enjoy, listen to the entire thing. Most albums are at least 45 minutes long. Just keep listening to different albums, and the trip will be over before you know it!
Road trips are awesome. Seriously. Especially those with your friends! Hopefully after this, you'll be more prepared to tackle the longer exhausting trips. Moral of the story: buy a wifi hotspot.