Saturday, May 4, 2013



I've migrated! I have created a brand new blog, which is more much more specific and organized. I've really enjoyed the opportunity this blog has given me to experiment with my ideas/ passions, but I truly believe that my new blog will bring me more opportunities for success. I want to thank each one of you for believing in me, and reading my posts. It's meant the world. I promise, there's far more where that came from. Follow my new blog, theARTSiLifestyle here. It's specifically a blog about the arts and music, which have always been my true loves all along. Let's be serious, it probably isn't the best idea for me to try to blog about food with my mediocre cooking skills. I moved some of my relevant posts over to the new blog, but I'll be back to writing immediately after finals! Thanks again, everyone, and be blessed!

Until then!
